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Our Curriculum Inspires the Best in Your Child

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Here at Green Life Academy, we are excited and inspired by our curriculum for the Guanacaste community. Since the Ministry of Public Education (MEP) in Costa Rica recognizes our accreditation, we will also offer  MEP-specific curriculum courses such as Spanish and social studies to insure no gaps in instruction for children wishing to transfer to other MEP schools.

Our Curriculum is Time-tested

Shortly after our inception, families were drawn to our academically challenging coursework, the detailed lessons, and the fact that our lessons left no gaps in instruction. Once they tried the program, their children’s academic success quickly reassured their decision.

Our Curriculum Provides Flexibility

Working in a small classroom, teachers can work at a pace appropriate for their students; they can move quickly over easily understood materials while taking extra time for difficult concepts. Our materials also provide opportunities for drilling and review, while at the same time allowing a student to work on an academically rigorous program that meets his or her individual pacing needs.

Green Life Academy Has a Track Record of Success

Numerous students continue to reap the benefits of Green Life Academy’s curriculum. Here at Green Life Academy, the curriculum doesn’t just teach educational fundamentals, it inspires the best in children.



18 responses

7 11 2009

Also –

Our curriculum is fully recognized by MEP. Plus, we are offering MEP curriculum courses so there are no gaps in instruction for children wishing to transfer to other MEP schools.

8 01 2010

We also offer MEP courses so there are not gaps in the education of students wanting to transfer to other schools. The Ministry of Public Education (MEP) has informed us in writing that it will accept students with our accreditation as it is from the United States. If the MEP school you are wanting to transfer to does not have anyone who can communicate in English, then you would need to translate the transcripts of your child(ren).

I hope this helps and please don’t hesitate to contact us for further questions.

8 01 2010

Thanks very much for your thoughtful and thorough reply!

17 08 2010


17 08 2010

Hey Tommy! We Miss you at Green Life. Hope you’re having a great time in the US!

13 01 2011

Hi, we’re still in the US but looking for HS in Guanacaste. I like your program and I was wondering if there is any Financial Aid available.

Thank you,

14 01 2011

Yes, financial aid is available. I responded via your email.
Thank you for your interest.


27 09 2011

Buen día,quisiera saber cuando son las matriculas y como es la forma de pago.Mis hijos tienen 6 y 10

27 09 2011

Hola Karol, Ya esta abierta la matricula para el proximo ano. La matricula se paga una vez al ano y el pago de mensualidades es por 12 meses.

Muchas gracias.

17 01 2012
M. Vanessa Peñaranda Ch

Hola yo soy docente en Educación en I y II ciclos de Educación Primaria

Quisiera saber si requieren maestros para este curso lectivo que inicia y si es posible enviar mi curriculum para su valoración, yo tengo varios años de experiencia en este campo.
Atte Maria Vanessa Peñaranda Muchas Gracias

4 11 2012
Rita Bernal

Hola: tengo una especialidad en agricultura organica, hidroponía,cultivos vegetales y plantas medicinales bajo ambientes protegidos y quisiera saber si les interesaría les enviara mi curriculum para cursos y/o elaborar algún proyecto dentro de la institucion que ayudara a la comunidad. Pienso trasladarme a vivir a guanacaste muy pronto y ando buscando opciones. Muchas gracias.

27 12 2012
Yirlany Guillen M.

Hola soy Profesora de la Especialidad Turismo e imparto varios cursos, soy de Playas del Coco por si estan interesados en contratar personar. Mi correo es Estoy disponible en cuanto al horario.

23 05 2013
Daniela Vallejos

Hola, mi hijo tiene 3 anos y medio, me gustaria q ingresara a su institucion ,pero el no habla ingles y me gustaria q lo hiciera el proximo ano queria saber si puede ingresar, sus formas de pago, mensualidad y matricula.. Gracias

20 01 2014

I am a certified English teacher. I found your website and have fallen in love with your school. I would like to submit a resume for any future opportunities you may have. Is there an email address that is specifically for job applicants to submit to?

22 05 2014

Tengo que reconocer quue hasta аhօra no me gustaba muchoo elblog, pero acttualmente estoy entrandօ frecuenteente y esta mejorando.


2 11 2014
Green Life Academy’s Curriculum Used by U.S. Foreign Service Personnel

[…] internationally accredited  Calvert School Curriculum has been recommended by the US Department of State for it’s Foreign Service personnel and […]

14 05 2017
Jae-cheol Cho

To whom may concern;

Hi. Now I’m trying to migrate to Costa rica and I have 2 daughters who has age of 10 and 7. They don’t speak enlgish and spanish at all as we have lived here in South Korea.
My first daughter is now learning English in private institute and school however, I cannot tell you that she speaks good english. (My second is zero zero level. She only speaks Korean. Of course very well. haha)
So, I’d like to know if there was any case like this and what is the best way to make them adopting to your schooling environment… My migration plan is almost set but, I’m actually worrying about my daughters.
By the way, can you tell me the grade opening season? I mean, when new grade starts there..Generally, in Korea it starts at March (located in North Hemosphere….) yours might be different. Please send me the information related to Admission.
You may reply me in English and Spanish both.(If possible please inform me thru e-mail…^^.)

Thaks and regards in advance.

17 05 2017
Rita Bernal

My e-mail is
In what date you come to Costa Rica?
Please give me your e-mail or telephone number

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